P.M. Wissen was a weekly science show at the Austrian broadcaster ServusTV. Astrophysicist Gernot Grömer moderated the show. Topics ranged from nature, technology, and medicine to scientific research.
As an author, I produced several videos for this show. Here is a selection.
Terra X plus
Terra X plus is a YouTube channel from the German broadcaster ZDF. On this channel, educational science content is conveyed in an entertaining and easily understandable way. The target group is high school students.
As an author, I produced several videos for the channel in 2021 and 2022 and also did community management. Here is a selection of my videos.
Analoge Fotografie & Entwicklung von Negativfilm einfach erklärt / Analog photography & developing negative film explained (June 20, 2022)
Warum der Feldbiologe Fabian Mühlberger seinen Beruf liebt / Why field biologist Fabian Mühlberger loves his job (March 28, 2022)
Könnte Kernfusion unsere Energieprobleme lösen? / Could nuclear fusion solve our energy problems? (May 18, 2022)
Wie die Raumfahrt von der Luftfahrt profitieren könnte / How space travel could profit from aviation (Jul 13, 2022)
For this video about the color change of chameleons I also created the animations.
Darum ändern Chamäleons ihre Farbe wirklich / Why chameleons actually change their color (March 14, 2022)